When I think of bicep....masculinity comes to mind. It's a specific part of the body that society often regards in relation to a man’s masculinity. 'Look at those guns' is a common phrase in this context.
The obsession to develop the bicep and also a man’s entire muscular structure is often rooted in strength, pride, wellness or sex. The satisfaction that comes from watching the body transform through fitness or the transitioning from adolescence into adulthood. You see it everywhere; the gym, social media, it's a part of our society. Desirability, 'feel those muscles', sex appeal. Strength, agility all come to mind when you think of a man’s bicep. With this film I chose to explore some of these concepts through certain montages...very abstract and slightly over exaggerated yet surreal...throwing a soft, delicate and almost comical layer over what is often seen as hard or tough.
Commissioned by Showstudio